The Brown Gallery

The Louise B. Jones Brown Gallery is a student-run art gallery located in the Bryan Center of Duke University. The gallery has featured artists from a variety of cultures and locations including Durham, Indiana, and Turkey. It also hosts a Student Art Showcase as part of Duke Arts Festival.

Brown Gallery
Amanda Blanchard, October 2024, Brown Gallery

Uncanny Exhibition

Amanda Blanchard, October 2024, Brown Gallery

It’s difficult to explain the drive to recreate the world around us. Do we want the image to be an exact representation of a loved one, or do we have a desire to see only the love in their eyes? Each work has been involved in a conversation or a few fights. There is no reason to take the easy path. Some paper is temperamental, some media was unfamiliar. Challenge is my motivation. It’s almost real, but something feels off…

Christine Holt, Nov/Jan 2021-2022, Brown Gallery

Corpus Chromatic

Christine Holt, Nov/Jan 2021-2022, Brown Gallery

Corpus Chromatic was a Brown Gallery held in November 2021 through January 2022 by Christine Holt.


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